Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels

Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels

Your success is found in your daily choices. I did not wake up one day and BAM the weight was gone. I changed my lifestyle for this. I changed my eating habits for this and I educated myself for this.I wake up every day continuously working on this. I am dedicated to...

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Let’s talk about cholesterol Your body needs cholesterol. (For: Hormones, cell membranes, bile production, creating Vit D). In fact, our body makes 75% of its total cholesterol requirement.Total cholesterol is not significantly associated with heart disease. (Latest...

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Chemical response

Chemical response

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger) that gives us a sense of warm and fuzzy, making us feel good, happier and calmer. Eating sweet or starchy carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta and chocolate enables the brain to make this magic substance. So,...

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How I really feel about getting to goal weight.

How I really feel about getting to goal weight.

This is a difficult feeling to articulate. Its easier to explain my emotions when I was fat. I don't remember the point when I went from healthy to overweight or from overweight to obese. It just sort of happened. Scientifically I didn't wake up fat one day, but that...

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